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Trademarks may be a word, design, color, sound (in some countries), or shape. Trademarks represent the source of a product or service and serve to differentiate such sources. Often, a trademark may be a client’s most valuable asset. Each country throughout the world provides differing rules for the protection of branding through trademark and trade dress laws. In the U.S., trademark and trade dress rights may be owned at common law, registered in individual states, or registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Registration may also be extended, or filed separately, in foreign trademark offices throughout the world.

Holzer Patel Drennan assists clients in determining the availability of trademarks, applying for registration, and maintaining those registrations. We also assist clients with managing ownership through licensing, asset sales/acquisitions, investigating potential infringements, and representing clients in disputes before the USPTO Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. Holzer Patel Drennan also counsels its clients with respect to cybersquatting, false advertising, rights of publicity, and use of trademarks in competitive environments and social media. Our network of international intellectual property firms supports our clients throughout the world to maximize the value of their trademark portfolios.